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Giant Busts on the Hill

Other Archaeological Lectures Online

Below are links to other organizations that present archaeological lectures online. Of note is the virtual lectures offered by the AIA, with a different speaker every month during the academic year. The AIA, and many of the other organizations listed below, generally are free BUT still require registration. This list is meant as a guide only , and we will attempt to keep it current. Please do check back often, as we will add other events when we encounter them. In addition, many of these lecture series have been previously recorded and available to view! Lots of archaeology to explore!


AIA Archaeology Hour: Monthly (September-April) evening virtual lectures (free, but needs to be registered for)



The Archaeological Conservancy Virtual Lecture Series: Monthly evening virtual lectures (free, but needs registration)


Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, University of Michigan lectures: Variety of free talks, some of which need to be registered for


Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference Webinar Series: Focused on discussions of archaeological theory in Roman Archaeology (free, but needs registration)



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